Generation Z, the cohort born between the late 1990s and early 2000s, is a demographic unlike any before. As digital natives, their lives are intricately woven with the fabric...
As the 2024 election year unfolds, marketers are bracing for a tumultuous period that presents a unique set of challenges. Brands are facing the daunting task of cutting through...
Whether you call it X now or can’t still stop saying “Twitter,” the fact is that there are still billions of people using the social media platform in 2024....
Want to plan your content ahead of time and have it go live when your audience is most active? Sounds like you need to learn how to schedule TikTok...
Meta has introduced new genAI-powered features allowing advertisers to automate the creation of text and images in ads on the company’s social platforms. New tools and features will be...
Facebook isn’t dead, I promise. Besides being the most popular social media platform in the world, Facebook is still gaining new users, having recently surpassed 2 billion daily active...
“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space.” So said Democritus, but he wasn’t talking about the marketing technology landscape. Adobe, HubSpot, Oracle, Salesforce — these aren’t atoms; nor are...
The martech landscape continues to expand relentlessly, year after year. In 2024, this translates to a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41.8%, marking an astounding 9,295% increase over...
Early in my career, I was surprised when a co-worker told me they didn’t realize I wanted them to complete a task that I thought I had asked them...
Google’s deprecation of third-party cookies is causing disruption in digital marketing. Many businesses are increasing their focus on first-party data and tools to help them better identify and reach...